Description Star Wars Rogue One space battle lamp
In addition to the exciting lightsaber duels, the universe of the incredibly successful Star Wars film series has become known above all for its spectacularly staged and bombastic space battles. The howling of the TIE fighters, the hissing of the lasers and the bloodcurdling explosions still have young and old staring in awe at the flickering box today. And the firework display of effects in the new parts puts everything that has gone before in the shade. Even the first film in the Anthology series, Rogue One: A Star Wars Storyis not short of aerial battles between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. It even introduces new fighter planes such as the U-Wing, so even old hands should keep an eye on the skies.
Although it would be a little too dangerous to send fully functional war machines, you can use the Star Wars Rogue One Space Battle Lamp you can bring the thrilling action from the big screen directly into your own four walls. Similar to a lava lamp, six different fighter planes rise and fall in the glass body and fight for supremacy. On the Rebel side, the iconic X-Wing and Y-Wing are joined by the newcomer U-Wing. The Empire sends TIE Striker, TIE Fighter and the personal shuttle of the villain Krennic into the race. In addition to all the action that takes place inside the glowing green lamp, the case also boasts details that will make every fan's heart beat faster: One side of the base features an image of the Death Star, while the other side is adorned with the emblem of the Death Troopers, the special forces of the Death Star.
The spaceships are powered in the classic way via electricity, which you can conveniently switch on and off using a toggle switch. The lamp has no sound effects, but you are free to diligently "Pew Pew, Zoom, Kaboom" or similar things ;)