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LumiGram fiberglass cushion

€129,95 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Luxurious cushion with specially processed glass fibers with a breathtaking glowing effect.
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Description LumiGram fiberglass cushion

When most geeks and nerds think of fiber optics, they probably think of high-speed Internet. But in addition to data, fiber optics can also be used to send light pulses very quickly!
The manufacturer of this cushion has also made use of this property. The special textile that adorns this cushion consists largely of glass fibers*) that are illuminated by LEDs. During the weaving process, the wafer-thin glass fibers are bent again and again on purpose. Normally, light sent through glass fiber plastics is almost only visible where it comes out again at the end. At the points where the glass fibers are bent, however, the light shines all the brighter and the punctual lighting effect is created.
However, sewing in the very thin glass fibers in this way requires a special, sophisticated technique - which is why a little more has to be invested in this cushion than in the cheaper LED cushion. In return, however, you get a stunningly beautiful and impressive lighting effect that conjures up a very atmospheric ambience.
The non-illuminated side of the cushion is made of elegant satin. Hidden inside the cushion is a small battery compartment, which provides approx. 30 hours of rich and enchanting luminosity with just three AAA batteries.
The cushion is not hypersensitive, but due to the way the glass fibers are sewn in, you should not sit on it and especially not have a cushion fight with it. Careful handling will preserve the radiant result for a long time.
Please note: In the dark, the cushion looks pretty much the same as in the photos. The glow effect doesn't come across quite as well in the video because the camera lens isn't bright enough for it. Sorry for that!
*) Note: The term "glass fiber" is not quite correct. Using real glass fiber in a cushion would be too dangerous, as it tends to splinter, which increases the risk of injury, and it is also quite fragile. Instead, the following were used optical fibers - but this does not detract from the effect :)

Technical information
Batteries required: 3 * AAA (included)
Dimensions: approx. 45x45cm
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