Description Harry Potter Hogwarts Cauldron Mug
The subject "Potions" from the Harry Potter universe is a prime example that the teacher is mainly responsible for how popular a subject is with students (similar to math for Muggles). Without Snape, Harry would have certainly realized earlier how useful it is to have one or another potion up his sleeve...
If someone of Snape's caliber has also spoiled your interest in potions, you can slowly reacquaint yourself with this extremely interesting subject with the "Harry Potter" Cauldron Mug! The large mug is modeled after a cauldron and allows you to fill and enjoy around 450 ml of a "potion" of your choice. Sooner or later, you will have gotten used to the cauldron, allowing you to venture into real potions. We of course recommend the ever-popular Polyjuice Potion (without cat hair)!