One nice aspect of mastering a language that not everyone understands is the possibility of being able to make a lot of inside jokes. This is espec...
View full detailsIf you ever meet a colour-blind robot, it will be useful to have the hex code the same colour of your shirt written on it :)The writing #000000 is ...
View full detailsIt is clear to human eyes what color your shirt is. But if you encounter robots without color perception, the color information in hex is certainly...
View full detailsThere are two kinds of people: Linux user and... those other guys (people who might not understand this shirt). You will recognize them by their ab...
View full detailsFor those of you who have comments regarding a source code: It was hard to write - it was meant to be hard to understand..
Given that the binary system is widely used in IT (and thus in most parts of our lives), surprisingly few people actually understand the combinatio...
View full detailsWhy don't we use the binary system in elementary school? Learning just two numbers would make a lot of things easier and it would also be easier to...
View full detailsAs we all know, hindsight is 20/20. This universally applicable wisdom can also be used to describe informatics, especially debugging (i.e. testing...
View full detailsIf there is any profession entirely deserving of their own drinking song, it’s programmers.The so-called “Programmer’s Drinking Song”, a modificati...
View full detailsWhen programmers have worked too long on a project, or when you ask them how the code they worked on actually functions, their favorite answer will...
View full detailsLet me consider this briefly...............well, NO !Do you always need a bit of time to come up with an appropriate answer when someone else is as...
View full detailsFor the real computer scientists ;)
So, you're looking for a really distinguished-looking watch for your wrist, right? But you find all those analogue watches just soooo boring? Maybe...
View full detailsSomething you may not know is that computer scientists have to deal with all sorts of trees. Quite often, the most common being the so-called binar...
View full detailsRemember way back... when to be able to load programmes and games on a C64, you had to type in a special command first? For the sake of nostalgia, ...
View full detailsIf you think that a shell is a shell and only think of video games when you think of consoles, then this shirt is not necessarily for you. But if y...
View full detailspi * thumb = 42-thumb = 42/pi-thumb = ~13.3742 is the answer to everything, as we know – life, the universe and everything. And, as we know, 1337 ...
View full detailsOf course, table-based layouts are evil and should be avoided. But when you test the CSS layout you've painstakingly created for Firefox with Inter...
View full detailsNobody likes to fix the mistakes another person has made due to incompetence, laziness or simply by accident. But when you yourself are that person...
View full detailsAhh, nothing beats a well-organized home, right? Everything exactly where it belongs, all the books organized by the astronomical sign of the autho...
View full detailsThere are a few unwritten rules everybody in IT should always follow. And trust us, if you decide to ignore these rules, you definitely won't want ...
View full detailsEin Sysadmin schläft nicht
The command export EDITOR="" is used to set the default editor. The short; rm, means nothing more than to "remove"..So, if anot...
View full detailsThe good ol'’ floppy disk!How we loved you when you were our go-to portable, long-term memory solution. We shared so many happy years…!Not tha...
View full detailsAll users of a unix-like operating systems (Linux, Mac, BSD, etc) should know what a fork bomb is. A fork bomb is a program which creates so many c...
View full detailsDeath, War, Pestilence and Hunger - one does not need to be familiar with the works of Albrecht Dürer to recognize this unholy quartet: The Four Ho...
View full detailsAs we all know, silent waters run deep. While software development does not exactly have anything to do with water, the basic principle of the sayi...
View full detailsConfident, happiness alone. With this button you can declare all kinds of things to be your home. But whether other people will accept th...
View full detailsWe really don't know what evolution was thinking with zebras! Ok, maybe the stripes help against flies, in the heat or confuse predators. But let's...
View full detailsThis button should be part of the wardrobe of every person who is even remotely involved with computers. Because this fact does not automatically t...
View full detailsWhat the Force is to Jedis, the source code is to computer scientists. If you control it, you basically control everything. But remember: with grea...
View full detailsNow you can attach your own power button to all kinds of things. Get ready to add new features to apples, books, jackets and bags.
Before bothering other people, it's always a good idea to read the manual. Or as this pin puts it bluntly: read the fluffing manual!